The Richest Man in the World

This week, Bill Gates will retire from Microsoft, so there is a lot of additional attention being focused on him right now, but a couple of weeks ago I got a rare opportunity to see for myself why everyone is so excited about his upcoming transition away from software development at Microsoft towards human development at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

During the TechEd Developers 2008 Conference in Orlando, I was invited to attend a private luncheon called the “influencer’s roundtable”.  This was a great honor for me, as I got to share a meal with Bill Gates and a group of about 15 other people.  We spent the hour talking with Bill about his retirement and upcoming activities and I have to tell you, I now have a much better understanding of why Microsoft has become the powerful market force it is today.  I came away filled with a mixture of awe and admiration for Bill, the way he thinks and the way he approaches problem solving.

First of all, Bill is one of those people who is 100% “present” in whatever he does, and his passion is now squarely focused on human development.  Finding better ways to educate people.  Finding better ways to feed people.  Finding better ways to improve access to vaccines and other technological advances.  I was utterly impressed by the sheer breadth and depth of his knowledge on a wide range of issues and also by his uncanny ability to focus in precisely on the essential elements of any given problem.

I could go on and on, but the bottom line is that Bill Gates is truly a phenomenon and I was at once both humbled and inspired by our meeting.  So much so that I feel a renewed sense of commitment to my own philanthropic work.

Being “rich” is not always about having a lot of money.  It can also be a feeling.  A feeling of empowerment.  A feeling of hope.  A feeling that we can actually make a difference in the world.  Being with Bill for that short time – listening to his plans for changing our world, for making it better – filled me with that sense of hope and empowerment and I could tell that others in the room felt it too.   For those few moments I felt like I was the richest man in the world, because there I was, talking with the architect of a new vision for humanity.  A vision I could completely buy into, and one that I truly believe can be achieved.

I just want to say thank you, Bill Gates.  The world is already a better place because of your work, your passion and your commitment.  We need more like you, and although you’re moving into a new arena, I’ll look forward to the same innovation, excellence and success we’ve all come to expect of you.



  1. John ,<br /><br />Thanks for sharing your experience. I think you have just said what many people may have always wanted to say about this man. I feel also honored that a SharePoint MVP has had this opportunity to meet up with him and you were very well qualified for being such candidate. Great Write up!

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